Love Me For Less

Love Me For Less is my contribution of a visual abstraction to the narrative of the unbearable weight of being human in the Anthropocene — a topic that has always fascinated me. In what I believe to be an extensive topographic study of the tactile, I wanted to present something distinctive, unnerving if you will, a unique experience that can be shared. In multifaceted arrays of structure and light, I composed the mundane as the surreal — opting for disorientation and mimicking an out-of-body experience (OBE). The so-called OBE and the science surrounding it have been a steady pillar in my research, leading me to create this body of work over the course of the last three years. The roots for this project formed in 2020, I found inspiration for it after a car crash that I was fortunate enough to walk away from.
In a sterile, almost clinical fashion, I concentrated on the manifestation of abstract interactions between humans and their respective environments, with the intent to emphasize the strict inner lining that makes up the human mind with all its boundaries — only to try and surpass these boundaries in the presented body of work. A disturbing beauty that quickly fades, revealing a certain set of layers — subjective to whoever is courageous enough to take the plunge.
The questions that guided me, driven by my interest in the phenomena of out-of-body experiences, have been steady throughout my process: What really lies beneath our own consciousness? How can we access the structural array of chaos hidden within?
Love Me For Less is therefore not so much about escapism but the fictional consensus of blending together perceptions of human interaction by the strict differentiation of what is physical matter and what is not — assuming that what can be perceived, we perceive alike.
︎ via Bildband Berlin or RUST Publishing